Quick facts
Venue: 'Zwarte Doos' building at TU Eindhoven
Co-Located with the International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM)
Travel & Accommodation: Please see the respective ICSM page or contact ICSM’s local chairs.
Submission site: EasyChair
Registration system: Shared with ICSM
Aims and Scope
Software visualization is a broad research area encompassing techniques that assist in a range of software engineering activities, such as specification, design, programming, testing, maintenance, reverse engineering and reengineering. Encompassed techniques cover the development and evaluation of methods for extracting data from software systems and graphical and interaction techniques for representing the structure, behavior, and evolution of software.
In this working conference, we focus on visualization techniques that draw on aspects of software maintenance and evolution, program comprehension, reverse engineering, and reengineering, i.e., how visualization helps programmers to understand, analyze, and evolve software. We aim to gather tool developers, users and researchers from both software engineering and information visualization to discuss theoretical foundations, algorithms, techniques, tools, and applications related to software visualization.

- 23/09/2013 » Social event: Location preview
- 11/09/2013 » Posters and Live Tool-Demos
- 27/08/2013 » Program & venue: Details
- 24/07/2013 » NIER+TD tracks: Prelim. program
Alexandru C. Telea
University of Groningen, NL
General Chair -
Andreas Kerren
Linnaeus University, SE
Program Co-Chair -
Andrian Marcus
Wayne State University, MI, USA
Program Co-Chair -
Jonas Trümper
Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Univ. of Potsdam, DE
Publicity & Web Chair -
Stephan Diehl
University of Trier, DE
NIER & Tool-Demo Track Co-Chair -
James A. Jones
University of California, Irvine, USA
NIER & Tool-Demo Track Co-Chair